Greetings to all our neighbors! Here’s a recap of developments in your community.
Neighborhood Association Formation
Monthly meetings of volunteer block captains and other interested parties have led to the formation of The Chandler Park Neighborhood Association. A dedicated CPNA bank account has been established with previous neighborhood funds; all future financial activities/balances will be reported at every meeting. Governing bylaws for the association have been completed and will be submitted to the community for approval. Once approved, an election will be held to select the Association’s officers.
Other issues of community concern have also been addressed, including:
Neighborhood Web Site Established
For info about upcoming meetings and other community issues:
Chandler Bikeway Progress
As explained by officials in a previous meeting, City funding for the bikeway has been very tight and manpower stretched thin, which has slowed progress on the project. Completion is currently anticipated sometime in the First Quarter of 2006. We can report the following good news:
-- David Evans and Associates, Inc. submitted revised drawings to CRA for change from asphalt to concrete surfacing, per community request. CRA transmitted the drawings to Bureau of Street Services on July 8, 2005; Bureau of Street Services to provide cost estimate.
-- Awaiting CALTRANS approval of $250,000 grant money. City application is in Sacramento; estimate 4-6 weeks for approval. Upon approval of funds, and final negotiation with Bureau of Street Services, CRA shall request additional funding once the final figures are established. Expected board action by CRA in Mid/Late Summer.
Rebuilding Ties with Mid-Town North Hollywood Neighborhood Council
Following the advice of previous Mayor’s Representative John Bwarie, we have forged a strong relationship with MTNHNC in order to be better represented within City government, as well as take advantage of civic funding that is channeled through the Mid Town NoHo Council. CPNA representatives have attended MTNHNC meetings, while Council President Diann Corral has also advised our own local efforts with positive results. Earl Howard has also been been appointed to the Mid-Town NoHo Beautification Committee.
Neighborhood Alleys Receive City Approval For Paving
At our neighborhood’s request, MTNHNC President Diann Corral investigated City funding and helped secure approval for paving the dirt alleys in our community. Special thanks are due neighbors Ginny and Bev Fioravanti, who supplied documents indicating that this work was originally scheduled in 1967! Councilperson LaBonge’s office has gone on record supporting the project, and our most recent correspondence indicates that this will probably occur in the next fiscal year. The cost estimate process has already begun.
Toluca Terrace Signs Removed, CPNA Boundaries Secured
You may have noticed several "Toluca Terrace" signs were placed in our neighborhood previously by the aggressive leadership of the community to our south, misidentifying the bike path and much of our community. Neighborhood association volunteers addressed the issue with Diann Corral and Tom LaBonge’s office, resulting in a City Council order to remove and relocate the signs, as well as amend a motion that effectively secures our neighborhood boundaries and identity.
Securing City Services Via Phone or Internet
Dial 311 to report potholes, graffiti or other infrastructure repair issues. You may also request graffiti removal on the internet at and report potholes and other street-related issues with the Bureau of Street Services at