Sunday, June 21, 2009

Helpful Community Info & Contacts

Thanks to all those who attended the recent neighborhood meeting with LAPD Senior Lead Officer John Catalano.

Here's a recap of appropriate City contacts and other relevant community information:

- Updated crime statistics for our neighborhood may be obtained directly from:

- Senior LAPD Lead Officer John Catalano may be contacted directly via email (his preference) at:

- Councilmember Tom LaBonge's local District 4 office may be reached at: 818.755.7630

- Information regarding the MidTown North Hollywood Neighborhood Council (which represents our community):

- Los Angeles Street Services (potholes, bike path and other street maintenance issues): 800.996.2489

- Illegal dumping issues: 800.773.2489

- Abandoned shopping cart pick-up: 800.252.4613

- Grafitti/tagging issues (IMPORTANT - The most effective way to prevent the spread of graffiti/tagging is to clean up/paint it over ASAP!): Dial 311.

Also see:

Chronic graffiti/tagging issues may be addressed via Officer Ramon Martinez and the local LAPD anti-tagging team. Document/photograph problems & email to:

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Due to recent criminal activity in the community, the blog has been reactivated to post information of concern to all our neighbors.

Tom Colby has contacted our area's LAPD Senior Lead Officer and is organizing a Neighborhood Watch meeting, to be held in the near future at Hallenbeck's General Store on Cahuenga Blvd.

Further details will be posted here ASAP.