Sunday, June 21, 2009

Helpful Community Info & Contacts

Thanks to all those who attended the recent neighborhood meeting with LAPD Senior Lead Officer John Catalano.

Here's a recap of appropriate City contacts and other relevant community information:

- Updated crime statistics for our neighborhood may be obtained directly from:

- Senior LAPD Lead Officer John Catalano may be contacted directly via email (his preference) at:

- Councilmember Tom LaBonge's local District 4 office may be reached at: 818.755.7630

- Information regarding the MidTown North Hollywood Neighborhood Council (which represents our community):

- Los Angeles Street Services (potholes, bike path and other street maintenance issues): 800.996.2489

- Illegal dumping issues: 800.773.2489

- Abandoned shopping cart pick-up: 800.252.4613

- Grafitti/tagging issues (IMPORTANT - The most effective way to prevent the spread of graffiti/tagging is to clean up/paint it over ASAP!): Dial 311.

Also see:

Chronic graffiti/tagging issues may be addressed via Officer Ramon Martinez and the local LAPD anti-tagging team. Document/photograph problems & email to: