Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chandler Park Improvements - Your Help Needed!


The community issues raised at the last Chandler Park meeting have been addressed with the CD2 office of Councilmember Paul Krekorian, our neighborhood's new City Council representative.

Now it's up to our residents and local businesses to follow-up with letters and/or emails documenting those specific concerns.

(Reminder: It was only through the interest and cooperation of many neighbors, expressed in communications with City officials, that we were able to get our alleys paved and streets resurfaced, as well as having concerns about the Chandler Bikeway and other issues successfully addressed).

Councilmember Krekorian's office welcomes and encourages your input and documentation; having them is crucial in their efforts to deal with various City agencies and channel scarce resources where they're needed most.  (contact info below)

These are the issues being followed-up on:

-- Wrong-way Drivers on Chandler
A number of residents have reported witnessing this very dangerous problem, or encountered a vehicle sitting in the wrong lane while trying to turn right on Chandler. ANYONE who has personally witnessed/experienced this issue is strongly encouraged to document and report it - the life you save may well be your own! Even better would be a cellphone image or other photo of any incident(s). We are trying to get signs and/or street markings installed to address the problem.

-- No Street Lighting on Myrna
If you are a resident of Myrna, you're aware of the safety/security issues caused by the complete lack of street lighting there, including several car burglaries last Fall/Winter. Residents of the street are advised to document/forward their concerns.

-- Chandler Bikeway Litter
Refuse and dog poop are multiplying on the bike/pedestrian path, largely due to the complete lack of trash containers between Vineland and the Burbank border. The containers that were originally installed were removed, apparently because of funding issues and the dissolution of the CRA. Suggestions were made about the community possibly donating trash receptacles, but then the issue becomes one of regular collection. Some of our neighbors have voluntarily cleaned the area, but a more permanent solution is obviously needed. Community documentation and complaints about the problem are key to resolving this unfortunate bureaucratic stalemate.

Please forward your documentation, concerns and/or complaints via email or letter to:

Bill Hacket
CD2 Field Representative

Bill Hacket
CD2 Field Representative
6350 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste 201
North Hollywood, CA 91606

Paul Krekorian
Los Angeles City Councilmember CD2
6350 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Ste 201
North Hollywood, CA 91606